
Thursday, September 16, 2010

The man...the Legend...Jackson

Jackson...aka: Brown, brownpants, sugars, sugar smacks, jackers, jackie, boogers, buddy, bo-bo ski autin naughtin na-na na-na boom boom boom; of all the names we called him, my favorite was "mine". He was there for just about everything that was a "first" for us. From graduation from college, to my and Todd's first "real" jobs, moving 3 times in Asheville, twice in Charlotte, getting married, buying a house, and having the twins, I can't remember my life without him. We all have some great stories about him and I'll cherish those memories for as long as I live. I knew he'd be an outstanding dog when we lived in our first apartment in Asheville and he had some sort of stomach ache, but instead of messing on the carpets, he hopped into the bathtub to do his business. His bellowing bark would frighten even the most dangerous of people, yet he was the most gentle and tender loving of all creatures. His eyes could speak volumes and I was waiting for the day when he would open his mouth and speak human. I know he's in a better place being painfree and I'm sure he'll be the first to greet me when it's my time. So, cheers to a dear friend and beloved family memeber...we'll always remember you!

Thank you, Pete, for making this collage of my favorite pictures of Jack.

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