
Monday, February 27, 2012


Some of my new favorite phrases that have come up over the weekend have been "mommie, can you turn the music down, please? It's too loud!" Or, "the TV is too loud, can you turn it down?" YAY! The boys got tubes in both ears this past week and they are doing great. Actually, better than great. They are doing perfect! They constantly ask to have things turned down and no longer shout to hear themselves talk. Well, ok, they still shout, but they're 4 and 4-year-olds tend to yell to get any attention. Here they are doing all the pre-op work, like checking breathing and blood pressure.

This was the ONLY part Reed liked. After the surgery, he kept saying, "I didn't like the sleepy room. Just the room that squeezed my arm." Todd took Nolan back for his surgery and apparently, he ran the show himself! Reed was a bit more tentative and didn't want me to leave him in there.

Very proud of their gowns!

We had to take the purple circle pillows home because Nolan thought it was quite comfortable. Nothing better after surgery than popsicles, gatorade, and animal crackers. And they dominated ALL of them! Great job, guys! We're so proud!

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