
Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm seeing if this thing works. Do I just type & hit post?


  1. Oh scarey, who put Dad's picture on this thing

  2. Ok, so this could be a good thing or a bad thing. If you want to post a comment and remain anoymous, you can do so from logging into the blog. But, if you'd like to be seen and heard and have everyone know who you are and what you want to say, you'd have to comment on the post as an outsider from the original blog site. Does that make sense? Clear as mud?
    In short....
    COMMENT with name----original blog site
    COMMENT anonymous----log in to site

  3. Sooooo, what's everyone up to this weekend?

    Let's really get this blog thing workin!! We have a Drs appt with Reed's ENT tomorrow to see if he's deaf or just stoopid. Juuuust kiddin. Only a follow up appointment from when he had his eardrums reversed and stripped of their previous foreign matter.

    Jammy and Grandy are coming for a visit on Saturday to see the boys, we know they don't come for us, and my local 'hood is having an Easter Egg hunt. Should be fun!!

    Sunday, we are going up to the Perry's house to see their new baby, Trevor. He was born about 4 weeks early and is a teeny tiny thing. Bethany sounds worn out already and the babe got to vaca in the NICU for a whole week after he was born!!

    Then, after tennis, I guess we'll find out where everyone is heading for supper. Dad, you takin' out the steaks this week now that you are cancer-free??! Make mine a soyburger, please! Or just throw another lobster tail on the barbie for me!! Just a thought :o)

  4. Who the "F" spelled SCARY wrong??!! There's no freakin' E!!! Seriously, am I the only one who got a college education?
